For full details, please read the attached document. This story is an abridged version.
Dear Members,
Those of you who attended the AGM in July will recall the discussions around the club finances. This discussion culminated in a vote and agreement that the Management Committee should review and approve the accounts (and approve memberships/fees for the upcoming season). The Club accounts have now been finalised, pending audit, and these will then be posted for Members to review on the Club’s website.
The Membership Committee felt it necessary to review Membership Subscriptions & Match Fees for the coming season (as well as look to other fundraising initiatives) with a view to breaking even across the season in line with our “not for profit” status.
There will be a small increase in subscriptions, the first increase in since before the pandemic, and in setting the increases we have spent time looking at what other clubs charge (generally seen to be more expensive) and taken into account comments at the AGM around preferring higher one-off subscriptions over higher match fees. We have also recognised that we have members who are either students or “unwaged”, and the valuable support our coaches provide by leaving these unchanged. A schedule of the new subscriptions is set out at the end of this message together with match fees for the year.
As regards match fees, with one exception, these are unchanged from last season across all teams. The exception being a £1 increase (to £7) for juniors playing senior league hockey on a Saturday. This reflects that these juniors may partake in additional training sessions each week in attending senior as well as age group sessions.
Upcoming season costs are as follows:
Senior Memberships
Full Adult | £150 |
Goal Keeper | £135 |
Student/unwaged/U16s not playing juniors at Hertford | £70 (unchanged) |
Junior Membership
1 Sibling | £125 |
2 Siblings | £225 |
3 Siblings | £325 |
4 Siblings | £425 |
Family Membership
1 adult/2 siblings | £350 |
2 adult/2 siblings | £480 |
Coaches Membership
Non Player/1 Sibling | £20 |
Non Player/2 Sibling | £130 |
Non Player/3 Sibling | £245 |
Player/1 Sibling | £155 |
Player/2 Sibling | £245 |
Player/3 Sibling | £345 |
Match Fees
NB – Tea cost will continue to be claimed from club at £25 per home game
Adult League | £11 |
Junior in Adult League | £7 |
Unwaged/Student | £6 |
Junior Sunday | £5 |
Summer League/Interclub | £6 |
In addition to the above the Management Committee agreed that we should continue to offer a free 1 year membership to new university graduates and half price first year subscription for new senior members. This is in line with the offering form other local clubs and our desire to grow the club membership further. Options for splitting payment of subscriptions into sub-payments over a period will continue to be available when you access the appropriate subscription product on the club website.
Management Committee
Hertford Hockey Club
August 2023